Printed Journal | Indexed Journal | Refereed Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | A review of IMTA practices in India: Potential, challenges, and future directions Pages : 01-14 | 920 Views | 578 Downloads | India |
2 | Advancements in precision control in intra-row weeding: A comprehensive review Pages : 15-29 | 956 Views | 696 Downloads | India |
3 | Phytosociological study of woody species in the Khujji forest ranges of Rajnandgaon district in CG Pages : 30-34 | 373 Views | 164 Downloads | India |
4 | Towards sustainable agriculture: Balancing pesticides in soil for environmental harmony Pages : 35-41 | 564 Views | 241 Downloads | India |
5 | Identification of suitable management system for enhancing yield of rainfed turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Pages : 42-47 | 382 Views | 200 Downloads | India |
6 | Effect of different fungicide, bio agent, and botanical on yield and disease severity of potato against early blight of potato Pages : 48-52 | 372 Views | 194 Downloads | India |
7 | Evaluation of integrated pest management module against fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda in maize Pages : 53-55 | 444 Views | 201 Downloads | India |
8 | Correlation and path analysis for growth, yield and quality traits in snake gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.) Pages : 56-62 | 422 Views | 250 Downloads | India |
9 | Zebra chip and purple top: An overview on two emerging diseases of potato Pages : 63-66 | 792 Views | 401 Downloads | India |
10 | A review on important diseases of rice in West Bengal Pages : 67-70 | 773 Views | 324 Downloads | India |
11 | The warming world and it’s impact on phytopathogens and insects Pages : 101-104 | 535 Views | 278 Downloads | India |
12 | Seasonal occurrence of two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch infesting okra Pages : 105-108 | 373 Views | 190 Downloads | India |
13 | Evaluate the effect of essential oils on disease incidence of Alternaria blight of sunflower Alternaria helianthi Pages : 109-111 | 365 Views | 171 Downloads | India |
14 | Parametric optimization of a drone mounted sprayer to maximize the swath width using Taguchi design Pages : 112-116 | 468 Views | 279 Downloads | India |
15 | Site specific nutrient management: An overview Pages : 117-126 | 1022 Views | 713 Downloads | India |
16 | Utilization of non-thermal technologies for food preservation: Comparative analysis Pages : 127-130 | 468 Views | 270 Downloads | India |
17 | Agroforestry: socio-economic impact and future aspect Pages : 131-137 | 715 Views | 462 Downloads | India |
18 | Organophosphate Pesticide: Environmental impact and toxicity to organisms Pages : 138-141 | 1701 Views | 1294 Downloads | India |
19 | Formulation and sensory evaluation of chapati fortified with different vegetable waste powders Pages : 142-147 | 471 Views | 206 Downloads | India |
20 | Evaluation and efficiency of AAS by economic impact analysis in various microclimatic zones in Panipat Pages : 148-156 | 404 Views | 209 Downloads | India |
21 | Screening of plant morphological characteristics of safflower against Safflower aphid Pages : 181-185 | 356 Views | 179 Downloads | India |
22 | Seasonal incidence of safflower aphid (Uroleucon compositae: Theobald) and its natural enemies correlation with weather parameters Pages : 186-189 | 278 Views | 187 Downloads | India |
23 | Growth and instability in area, production and productivity of Red gram in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra Pages : 190-193 | 442 Views | 201 Downloads | India |
24 | Impact of climate change on crop cultivation in Himachal Pradesh Pages : 194-195 | 544 Views | 256 Downloads | India |
25 | Enormous promise of Carissa carandas L: An underutilized minor fruit crop with nutritional and therapeutic activities in rural development and livelihood security Pages : 196-200 | 634 Views | 427 Downloads | India |
26 | Wastewater hydroponics: Foundations, advancements and prospects for pollutant elimination and food production Pages : 201-204 | 602 Views | 325 Downloads | India |
27 | Effect of different growing media and planting methods on growth and yield of sweet potato variety Indira Madhur under grow bag condition Pages : 205-210 | 791 Views | 353 Downloads | India |
28 | Insect pest management in paddy and sociodemographic profile of agricultural practitioners within the SAS Nagar, India Pages : 211-219 | 329 Views | 155 Downloads | India |
29 | Multivariate analysis in late rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) under transplanted condition Pages : 220-223 | 196 Views | 95 Downloads | India |
30 | Growth and productivity of cowpea under different irrigation schedules Pages : 271-275 | 435 Views | 261 Downloads | India |
31 | Exploring the relevance and impact of ITKs on soil and water conservation in Bagalkot district Pages : 276-280 | 349 Views | 190 Downloads | India |
32 | Disposal pattern of paddy seed in Shravasti district of Uttar Pradesh Pages : 281-286 | 426 Views | 197 Downloads | India |
33 | Investigating ground water recharge potential through various analytical methodologies: A case study at Babina block, Bundelkhand region Pages : 287-290 | 366 Views | 191 Downloads | India |
34 | Utilization of guava (Psidium guajava) pulp for Lassi preparation Pages : 291-294 | 352 Views | 186 Downloads | India |
35 | Sector-based value addition of grapes Pages : 295-301 | 490 Views | 279 Downloads | India |
36 | Vertical farming: A sustainable agriculture format of the future Pages : 308-314 | 1841 Views | 1330 Downloads | India |
37 | Exploring plant growth regulators (PGRS): Classification, structural features, and functional significance Pages : 315-325 | 575 Views | 365 Downloads | India |
38 | Comparative cost analysis of conventional and various Garlic planting machinery Pages : 326-329 | 434 Views | 199 Downloads | India |
39 | Studies on the adoption of mushroom production as women empowerment for lively hood and income generation under tribal of district Purnea, Bihar Pages : 330-332 | 343 Views | 190 Downloads | India |