Growth and productivity of cowpea under different irrigation schedules
Ankita, Neelam, Satpal, Shweta and Uma Devi
A field experiment entitled “Growth and Productivity of Cowpea under Different Irrigation Schedules” was carried out during summer season, 2022 at Research Farm of Forage Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University. The experiment consisted of three irrigation schedules viz. irrigation at 7, 11 and 15 days interval and four cowpea varieties viz. RC 101, GC 1601, PGCP 24 and HC 46. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam having pH 7.9, EC 0.32 dS m⁻¹ and organic carbon 0.46% with low available nitrogen (125 kg ha⁻¹), medium phosphorus (13.5 kg ha⁻¹) and medium potassium (290 kg ha⁻¹) status. Significantly highest dry matter accumulation (16.44 g) and leaf area index (9.75) were recorded at harvest under irrigation scheduled at 7 days interval. Seed yield at irrigation schedule 11 days interval was 3.6% and 36% higher as compared to seed yield under 15 and 7 days interval. Maximum gross returns (59369 ₹ ha-1) and net returns (29.579 ₹ ha-1) were fetched under irrigation scheduling at 11 days interval but highest BC ratio (1.93) was fetched under irrigation schedule at 15 days interval. Among varieties, maximum seed yield (937 kg/ha), gross returns (61809 ₹ ha-1), net returns (29353 ₹ ha-1) and BC ratio (1.93) was fetched in variety GC 1601 which was at par with variety PGCP 24 and superior than variety RC 101 and HC 46.
Ankita, Neelam, Satpal, Shweta, Uma Devi. Growth and productivity of cowpea under different irrigation schedules. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(4S):271-275. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i4Sd.621