Printed Journal | Indexed Journal | Refereed Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Mungbean and weed growth as affected by potassium and weed control methods Pages : 01-08 | 1581 Views | 922 Downloads | Bangladesh |
2 | Multivariate models for identification of elite mother bushes with high commercial potential for black tea from mature seedling fields of Camellia sinensis Pages : 09-21 | 1786 Views | 905 Downloads | South Africa |
3 | Comparison of methods for the evaluation of the fertility of glycols in northern Brazil Pages : 22-30 | 1626 Views | 735 Downloads | Brazil |
4 | Review on: Effect of different nitrogen rate on the growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var L.) Pages : 31-34 | 3809 Views | 2898 Downloads | Ethiopia |
5 | The effect of soil acidity on some growth-related traits of soybean genotypes Pages : 35-41 | 1714 Views | 903 Downloads | Ethiopia |
6 | Approaches to solution some problems on the protection of erosion soils in Azerbaijan Pages : 42-46 | 1538 Views | 751 Downloads | Azerbaijan |
7 | Scientific substantiation of overcoming of existing ecological problems caused by separate impacts and recreational loads on landscape complexes on the south-western slopes of Azerbaijan (On the example of Sheki-Zakatala zone) Pages : 47-50 | 1852 Views | 894 Downloads | Azerbaijan |
8 | Production characteristics of Salyan plain land Pages : 51-54 | 1589 Views | 744 Downloads | Azerbaijan |
9 | Effect of crop geometry and nitrogen levels on growth, productivity of baby corn (Zea mays L.) Pages : 55-57 | 1698 Views | 854 Downloads | India |
10 | Effect of plant spacing and weeding frequency on weed infestation, yield components and yield of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] at Kosokol, Bench Sheko zone, South Western Ethiopia Pages : 58-69 | 2411 Views | 1412 Downloads | Ethiopia |
11 | Assessment on the current status of on-farm diversity and farmer’s perception for landraces crops at Eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia Pages : 70-78 | 1422 Views | 739 Downloads | Ethiopia |