Comparison of methods for the evaluation of the fertility of glycols in northern Brazil
Sérgio Brazão e Silva, Marcondes Lima da Costa, Jessivaldo Rodrigues Galvão, Tiago Kesajiro Moraes Yakuwa and Thiago Costa Viana
The predominant soils of the Amazon estuary are the haplic and salic gleisols, found in large areas. The objective was to compare analyzes of wet soil with those of pre-dried samples, and for wet samples they were adjusted using a conversion factor. Soil samples from two different areas of the Amazon estuary in northern Brazil. The soil samples were immersed in distilled water (four replicates and two soils) for a period of 132 days, with observations for a period of 52 days. Chemical analysis of P, Fe, Mn, Ca, K, Zn and Cu - was analyzed using both methods (wet and pre-dry). The results of both procedures were able to detect the variation in the concentrations of the different elements over the time of immersion. The increased sensitivity of the wet soil approach in these specific cases represents a major advantage in determining the chemical characteristics of the soils found in the analyzed environments.
Sérgio Brazão e Silva, Marcondes Lima da Costa, Jessivaldo Rodrigues Galvão, Tiago Kesajiro Moraes Yakuwa, Thiago Costa Viana. Comparison of methods for the evaluation of the fertility of glycols in northern Brazil. Int J Res Agron 2020;3(2):22-30. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2020.v3.i2a.34