Mungbean and weed growth as affected by potassium and weed control methods
MSH Bhuiyan, MS Islam, TS Roy, MA Karim and MAZA Munsur
The experiment was conducted at the research plot of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University farm, Dhaka during the period from February, 2017 to June, 2017 to study the effect of potassium levels and weed control methods on the growth and yield of mungbean. The treatment consisted of three potassium level viz. K0= Control (No Potassium), K1 = Recommended dose of Potassium (R), K2 = 30% increased of R and four weed control methods viz., W0 = No weeding (control), W1 = One hand weeding at 15 days after sowing (DAS), W2 = Two hand weeding at 15 DAS and 30 DAS, W3 = One paraxon spray at 15 DAS. The experiment was laid out in a two factors split plot design with three replications. The seeds of BARI mung6 variety were the test materials. The highest plant height (16.98, 27.71, 37.92, 43.35 and 45.30 cm at 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 DAS, respectively), number of branch (4.51, 7.26, 9.48, 10.09 and 10.54 cm at 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 DAS, respectively), number of leaflets (6.04, 11.90, 14.55, 16.00 and 17.00 at 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 DAS, respectively) and dry weight plant-1 (0.75, 2.50, 5.54, 6.34 and 7.30 at 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 DAS, respectively)was observed K2×W2 treatment. The lowest dry number and weight of Smooth crav grass (13.68 and 55.50 g), Purple nut sedge (25.37 and 18.77 g), Jungle rice (24.58 and 99.17 g), Bermuda grass (3.03 and 0.10 g), Indian gooes grass (0.75 and 5.85 g), Alligator weed (7.49 and 0.74 g), Green amaranth (1.43 and 0.21 g), Common purslane (0.15and 0.08 g) and Spreading dayflower (0.12 and 8.29 g) at harvest was observed in (K2 × W2). The results in this study indicated that the plants performed better in respect of growth characters of mungbean and lowest weed growth in K2×W2 (30% increased of recommended dose of Potassium with two hand weeding).
MSH Bhuiyan, MS Islam, TS Roy, MA Karim, MAZA Munsur. Mungbean and weed growth as affected by potassium and weed control methods. Int J Res Agron 2020;3(2):01-08. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2020.v3.i2a.32