Printed Journal | Indexed Journal | Refereed Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of Simarouba glauca leaf powder Pages : 96-99 | 585 Views | 307 Downloads | India |
2 | Standard heterosis for yield and its attributing traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Pages : 100-103 | 467 Views | 207 Downloads | India |
3 | Vegetative propagation of Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. by root segment cuttings: Effect of substrate and length of cuttings Pages : 104-109 | 457 Views | 243 Downloads | Cameroon |
4 | Seedling Vigour Index (SVI), weed competitiveness and root traits of aerobic rice under organic and inorganic sources nutrient management Pages : 110-118 | 751 Views | 227 Downloads | India |
5 | Assessment of foliar spray of DAP on Yield and Yield attributes of rice in a vertisol of Chhattisgarh Pages : 119-123 | 615 Views | 356 Downloads | India |
6 | Greenseeker-Morden tool for nitrogen management: A review Pages : 124-129 | 923 Views | 626 Downloads | India |
7 | Study of growth and yield attributes of Bajra Napier hybrids Pages : 130-132 | 532 Views | 297 Downloads | India |
8 | Management of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in pulses by crop rotation Pages : 133-137 | 415 Views | 207 Downloads | India |
9 | Interaction effect of boron and zinc on growth, yield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) cv. ‘Pant C-1’ Pages : 138-143 | 515 Views | 276 Downloads | India |
10 | Response of rabi maize (Zea mays L.) to fertilizer application and organic liquid spray under South Gujarat condition Pages : 144-148 | 427 Views | 208 Downloads | India |