Printed Journal | Indexed Journal | Refereed Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Effect of Phospho-compost on crop yield, quality and soil nutrient balance under rice-wheat cropping system Pages : 01-04 | 2677 Views | 1520 Downloads | India |
2 | Use of pressmud and biofertilizer influence economic of pea cultivation Pages : 05-07 | 2222 Views | 1071 Downloads | India |
3 | Effect of graded dose of sulphur, iron and molybdenum along with recommended dose of N.P.K on yield attributes and economics of pea (Pisum sativum) Pages : 08-10 | 2144 Views | 1018 Downloads | India |
4 | Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield attributes and economic of pea Pages : 11-13 | 2596 Views | 1411 Downloads | India |
5 | Enhance the productivity of pigeon pea through improved technology Pages : 14-18 | 2087 Views | 983 Downloads | India |
6 | Effect of herbicides on mixed weed flora and economics of direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) Pages : 19-21 | 2250 Views | 1051 Downloads | India |
7 | Impact of integrated weed management on weed flora distribution and weed dynamics in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under system of rice intensification (SRI) Pages : 22-24 | 2164 Views | 1035 Downloads | India |
8 | Large-plot based performance evaluation of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. millsp.) varieties for grain yield and agronomic traits under irrigation condition in Mandura district, North-West, Ethiopia Pages : 25-29 | 1585 Views | 717 Downloads | Ethiopia |
9 | Comparison of productivity of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) grown on tertiary sand and swampy area of Southern of Côte d'Ivoire Pages : 30-36 | 1282 Views | 601 Downloads | Cote D'Ivoire |
10 | The effect of winter wheat and re-crops on the growth, development and productivity of cotton Pages : 37-39 | 1327 Views | 612 Downloads | Uzbekistan |
11 | Land Economy: Sustainability in Agriculture Sector Pages : 40-42 | 1223 Views | 551 Downloads | India |
12 | Constraints and suggestions on people’s participation in integrated watershed management programme in Mungeli district of Chhattisgarh Pages : 46-48 | 780 Views | 393 Downloads | India |