Printed Journal | Indexed Journal | Refereed Journal | Peer Reviewed Journal
S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Effect of phosphate rich organic manure (Prom) on kharif sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. Saccharata) Pages : 01-05 | 30 Views | 14 Downloads | India |
2 | Evaluation of Lac Yield Uder Different Host Tree at Mahasamund District of Chhattisgarh Pages : 06-12 | 37 Views | 14 Downloads | India |
3 | To study the influence of nitrogen and sulphur doses on yield attributes of mustard crop (Brassica juncea L.) Pages : 13-15 | 6 Views | 1 Downloads | India |
4 | Effect of land configurations and row spacing on growth and yield of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) Pages : 16-19 | 2 Views | 1 Downloads | India |
5 | Study of the precipitation concentration index for Rahuri tehsil in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra Pages : 20-24 | 5 Views | 5 Downloads | India |
6 | Response of foliar application of urea and nano urea on growth, yield and quality of wheat under irrigated condition Pages : 25-29 | 12 Views | 4 Downloads | India |
7 | Availability of N P K under paddy-chick pea/pea-moong cropping system in Gwalior district of Madhya Pradesh Pages : 30-32 | 4 Views | 3 Downloads | India |