Evaluate the efficacy of insecticides against brown plant hopper
SB Shelke, VN Jalgaonkar, KV Naik, VV Dalvi and MS Karmarkar
A field experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy insecticides against Brown plant hopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), in rice during kharif 2022 and kharif 2023. at Agricultural Research Station Shirgaon Dist. Ratnagiri, under Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Evaluation of different insecticides against BPH on rice indicated that all the treatments were found significantly superior in recording the minimum number of BPH over untreated control. Among all treatments, T3 (Triflumezopyrim 10 SC), was found most effective against BPH which was found statistically at par with T8 (Fipronil 15 + Flonicamid 15 WDG), followed by T4(Dinotefuran 20 SG), T6 (Buprofezin 22 + Fipronil 3 SC), T7(Pymetrozine 50 WG), T1(Sulfoxaflor 21.8 SC), T2 (Imidacloprid 6 + Lambda cyhalothrin 4 SL) and T5(Flonicamid 50 WG). Economics of all the treatments revealed that T6- Buprofezin 22 + Fipronil 3 SC @ 1ml /lit emerged as the most economical one recording the highest ICBR 1:14.14 It was followed by, T4- Dinotefuran 20 SG @ 0.3 gm/litand T2- Imidacloprid 6 + Lambda cyhalothrin 4 SL @ 0.6 ml /litrecording ICBR of 1:9.68 and 1:8.24, respectively.
SB Shelke, VN Jalgaonkar, KV Naik, VV Dalvi, MS Karmarkar. Evaluate the efficacy of insecticides against brown plant hopper. Int J Res Agron 2025;8(1S):540-548. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2025.v8.i1Sh.2495