Assesment of okra verities through on farm testing in Bharuch district of Gujarat
DJ Modi, HM Vasava, LM Patil and MM Patel
As per mandate of KVK Bharuch is being conducting ON Farm Testing every year to increase awareness among farmers of districts for different high yielding varieties released by Agriculture universities as well as from various research institutes which are helpful to them for increasing income. The On Farm Trial were conducted to introduce the okra newly variety in Bharuch district. In the beginning awareness training was conducted for motivation and to disseminate information on standard package of practices. Bharuch District is the non-adoption of a recommended package of practices and an improved high-yielding variety. Gujarat Anand Okra (GAO-8, Anand Komal) released from Anand Agricultural University and Purna Rakshak (GNO-1) released from Navsari Agricultural University. In the demonstrated plot, the GAO-8 (Anand Komal) variety resulted in higher yield (117.87 q/ha) followed by variety GNO-1 (Purna Raksha) yield (113.45 q/ha) compared to local variety (91.23 q/ha) in kharif season. The yield increased compared to local variety was GAO-8 (29.20%) & GNO-1 (24.95%). The economic analysis of the data revealed that GAO-8 variety has higher gross returns (Rs. 330036/ha) with net returns (Rs. 24226/ha) and B:C ratio (3:3.76) followed by variety GNO-1 higher gross returns (Rs. 317660/ha) with net returns (Rs229850/ha) and B:C ratio (3.62) as compared to local variety.
DJ Modi, HM Vasava, LM Patil, MM Patel. Assesment of okra verities through on farm testing in Bharuch district of Gujarat. Int J Res Agron 2025;8(1S):241-243. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2025.v8.i1Sd.2381