Effect of sulphur on onion bulb production under frontline demonstrations in Buldhana District of Maharashtra
Taru AS, Bharti R Tijare and Wadkar JR
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important bulb vegetable crop with Onion has high demand for the sulphur which affects the Bulb Quality and Productivity but it should be applied in the field carefully so, as it produces acidic effects and adversely affects the plant. Front line demonstration is one of the key extension tools for transfer of technology at grass root level that directly impact the horizontal spread of technology. In order to increase the production of Rabi onion var. AFLR with the by use of sulphur @ 30kg/ha were carried out by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Buldhana in adopted Farmers fields at different villages during the years 2018-19 to 2022-23. In all 65 demonstrations were conducted on 26 ha area on 65 farmers field during the five years. The demonstrated recorded an average yield ranging from 27090-31040 kg/ha with a mean of 29140 kg/ha. The per cent increase yield was obtained with the application of Sulphur @30 kg/ha 5.33% during 2018-19, 14.03% during 2019-20, 9.85% during 2020-21, 14.03% during 2021-22 and 9.85% during 2022-23 respectively, over the local check. The average technology gap (2860 Kg/ha), extension gap (2798) and technology index were 8.94% during the period under study. The application of Sulphur at this rate had been found to be non-tedious, economically feasible and more convenient. The demonstrated field gave average benefit: cost ratio (3.17) compared to the local checks. Present results clearly show that the yield and economics of onion can be boost up by adoption sulphur @ 30kg/ha in onion var. AFLR.
Taru AS, Bharti R Tijare, Wadkar JR. Effect of sulphur on onion bulb production under frontline demonstrations in Buldhana District of Maharashtra. Int J Res Agron 2025;8(1S):230-233. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2025.v8.i1Sd.2378