Growth, yield and soil fertility of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) as influenced by integrated nutrient management practices
Shubham Verma, Manish Chauhan, Sandeep Kumar and Ravinder Kumar
The study was carried out at the Research farm of Abhilashi University, Mandi (H.P) during the summer season 2024. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design comprising of seven treatments with three replications. The treatments were T1 [N: P: K (100%)], T2 [Farm Yard Manure (100%)], T3 [Poultry Manure (100%)], T4 [N: P: K (50%) + Farm Yard Manure (50%)], T5 [N: P: K (50%) + Poultry Manure (50%)], T6 [N: P: K (50%) + Farm Yard Manure (25%) + Poultry Manure (25%)] and T7 (Absolute Control). The results showed that treatment T5 recorded maximum plant height (98.74 cm), number of leaves (172.60), leaf length (17.66 cm), leaf width (12.17 cm), fruit weight (76.37 g), number of fruits (15.63), fruit diameter (5.01 cm), yield per plot (10.74 kg) and yield per hectare (397.70 q/ha). Similarly in terms of economics maximum gross income (₹ 4,77,808), net income (₹ 4,02,640) and (5.39) B: C ratio were recorded under treatment T5. Therefore, T5 appeared to be the best for achieving the higher growth, yield and economic benefit of brinjal.
Shubham Verma, Manish Chauhan, Sandeep Kumar, Ravinder Kumar. Growth, yield and soil fertility of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) as influenced by integrated nutrient management practices. Int J Res Agron 2025;8(1S):85-89. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2025.v8.i1Sb.2323