NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2025, Vol. 8, Special Issue 1

Response of mungbean (Vigna radiata. L. Wilczek) varieties to different sowing windows

AN Jadhav, NP Patil and Sarwar I

Yield potential of mungbean is generally low. Various factors responsible for low yield of mungbean at the farmer’s field are lack of awareness of farmers about optimum time of sowing, using high yielding variety, improper planting patterns, insufficient plant protection measures and imbalanced use of fertilizers. Sowing time, a non-monetary input is the single most important factor to obtain maximum yield from mungbean. Keeping the above facts in view, an experiment entitled “Response of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.)] Varieties to different sowing windows” in south Konkan coastal zone on plot No.74 of Agronomy Department Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri during Rabi hot weather season of 2018-19. The trial was laid out in a strip plot design with four replications. The results revealed that, mungbean crop sown in 3rd MW (15-21 Jan.) with variety Dapoli Mung 1 produced higher growth and yield attributes, total biomass production as compared to other sowing windows and varieties. The crop sown in 3rd MW recorded highest grain yield (10.10 q ha-1), stover yield (15.81 q ha-1) and total biomass production (25.91 q ha-1) over remaining sowing windows.
Pages : 01-04 | 124 Views | 74 Downloads
How to cite this article:
AN Jadhav, NP Patil, Sarwar I. Response of mungbean (Vigna radiata. L. Wilczek) varieties to different sowing windows. Int J Res Agron 2025;8(1S):01-04. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2025.v8.i1Sa.2307
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