Effect of herbicides on weed management in clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) under semi-arid condition of Rajasthan
Rajesh Choudhary, OP Sharma, Vikash Choudhary, Anil Kumar Choudhary and Jitendra Choudhary
A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy farm, School of Agriculture, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur (Rajasthan) during kharif, 2022 on sandy loam soil with the objective to study the effect of herbicides in managing weed flora in clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.)”. The present experiment consisting of 10 treatment combinations was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications.
Plant height, number of branches/plants, nodules/plant and dry matter accumulation of clusterbean was influenced significantly due to weed control measures. At 60 DAS and harvest stage, maximum dry matter accumulation was recorded with Pendimethalin 750 g/ha fb 1 hand weeding at 25 DAS which was significantly superior over rest of treatments and remained statistically at par with Pendimethalin +Imazethapyr (RM) 800 g/ha PE. Imazethapyr + Imazamox (RM) 40 g/ha POE was also significantly superior over weedy check and Pendimethalin 680 g/ha PE and remained statistically at par with Pendimethalin 750 g/ha PE, Imazethapyr 40 g/ha POE, Propaquizafop + Imazethapyr (RM) 125 g/ha POE and Imazethapyr + Imazamox (RM) 40 g/ha POE. Maximum number of pods/plant and seeds/pod, seed, straw and biological yield were recorded with Pendimethalin 750 g/ha PE + one hand weeding. Per cent increase in the seed yield of cluster bean over untreated to the tune of 107.14 and 98.51 per cent Pendimethalin 750 g/ha fb 1 hand weeding at 25 DAS and Pendimethalin +Imazethapyr (RM) 800 g/ha PE.
Rajesh Choudhary, OP Sharma, Vikash Choudhary, Anil Kumar Choudhary, Jitendra Choudhary. Effect of herbicides on weed management in clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) under semi-arid condition of Rajasthan. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):852-855. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sl.1614