Effect of bio-fertilizers and phosphorus on growth and yield of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Mukul Anand, Umesha C and Rahul Raj
The field experiment entitled “Effect of Bio-fertilizers and Phosphorous on growth and yield of Garden pea” was conducted during Rabi 2023 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). The experiment was laid out in Randomized block design with ten treatments replicated thrice with the treatment combination of T1: P 50 kg/ha + Rhizobium 20 g/kg, T2: VAM 20 g/kg + P 50 kg/ha, T3: Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20 g/kg + P 50 kg/ha; T4: Rhizobium 20 g/kg + P 60 kg/ha, T5: VAM 20 g/kg + P 60 kg/ha; T6: Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20 g/kg + P 60 kg/ha, T7: Rhizobium 20 g/kg + P 70 kg/ha, T8: VAM 20 g/kg + P 70 kg/ha; T9: Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20 g/kg + P 70 kg/ha; T10: NPK - 50:60:60 kg/ha (Control). The important findings of the experiment have been significant here under the objectives taken. The application of “P” 70 kg/ha + Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20g/kg recorded significantly higher Plant height (44.7 cm), number of nodules per plant (18.9), Plant dry weight (40.83 g/plant), Significantly maximum number of pods per plant (22.8), number of seeds per pod (7.4), Test weight (29.67 g), Seed yield (2112.54 kg/ha), Green fodder yield (3905.10 kg/ha), Harvest index (35.17%), were recorded with the treatment of P 70 kg/ha + Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20g/kg. Higher gross returns (Rs. 1,16,189.69/ha), net return (Rs. 85.339.69/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.77) was obtained in the treatment of P 70 kg/ha + Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20g/kg. It was concluded that for obtaining higher yield components with better quality of Garden pea application of P 70 kg/ha + Rhizobium 20 g/kg + VAM 20g/kg was recorded significantly higher number of pods per plant (22.8), number of seeds per pod (7.4), Seed yield (2112.54 kg/ha), and benefit cost ratio (2.77) as compared to other treatments. Since, the finding based on the research done in one season.
Mukul Anand, Umesha C, Rahul Raj. Effect of bio-fertilizers and phosphorus on growth and yield of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.). Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):798-802. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sk.1603