NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 9

Experimental and natural host range studies of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) isolates of Blackgram and Greengram of Telangana using DAC-ELISA

Jyothirmai Madhavi K, Lal Ahamed M and Prasadarao RDVJ

In the present study, experimental and natural host range of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) isolates of Blackgram (BG) and Greengram (GG) of Andhra Pradesh was studied. Upon mechanical inoculations, TSV isolates of Blackgram and Greengram infected 25 out of 36 plant species tested. Both TSV-BG and TSV-GG isolates showed similar symptoms on the test plants. A. hypozaea cv. JL-24, C. cajan, H. annuus cv.PAC-36, P. vulgaris cv. Top crop, V. unguiculata cv. C-152, G. max cv. Bragg, C. quinoa, C. amaranticolor were manifested with local and systemic symptoms. V. radiata. cv. K-851, V. mungo developed both local and systemic symptoms while N. glutinosa, N. rustica, N. tabacum cv. Samsun, recorded with both local and systemic symptoms. S. melongena L. developed both local and systemic symptoms. Both local and systemic symptoms were observed in D. stramonium. Vicia faba L. developed both local and systemic symptoms. G. herbaceum developed only local symptoms, and the ornamental crops, C. infundibularis and T. patuala Cav. showed only systemic symptoms. TSV isolates of blackgram and greengram symptomlessly infected Amaranthus viridis, Commelina bengalensis, P. hysterophorus in the present study. T. procumbense also recorded with symptomless infection of TSV. No TSV infection was found in Cucumis sativus, C. tetragonaloba, Lagenaria cineraria, L. esculentum. Out of 44 suspected as well as random plant species collected and tested by DAC-ELISA, TSV was detected in 19 samples, comprising economically important crops and several weeds. TSV was detected in H. annuus, A. hypogaea, G. herbaceum, A. esculentum., V. unguiculata, T. patula, P. hysterophorus, A. aspera, Acanthospermum hispidum, V. radiata, C. infundibuliformis., C. bengalensis, T. procumbense and C. sparsiflorus L.). TSV was found in V. mungo and in the weed species Digera arvensis. No TSV infection was found in weed species viz., Argemone mexicana, Cassia auriculata, Cleome viscosa, Amaranthus viridis, Eclipta alba, E. hirta, L. cramera, T. zylanicum and T. terrestris and crop plants, C. annuum, H. annuus and L. esculentum.
Pages : 723-728 | 143 Views | 54 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Jyothirmai Madhavi K, Lal Ahamed M, Prasadarao RDVJ. Experimental and natural host range studies of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) isolates of Blackgram and Greengram of Telangana using DAC-ELISA. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):723-728. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sj.1581
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