Influence of various weed management practices on weed dynamics of transplanted rice
V Santhosh, M Saravana Perumal and G Murugan
The field investigation was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University to enumerate the weed management practices for increasing the yield of transplanted rice during the Kuruvai season (June – September, 2023) in a randomized block design with seven treatments and three replications by using the rice variety ADT 43. Among the various treatments, Pretilachlor + Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl @ 615 g a.i ha-1 at 3 DAT followed by Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl @ 0.1 kg a.i ha-1 at 25 DAT (T6) which helps in decreasing different weed population and diminishing the weed biomass which increases the yield of transplanted rice. It also recorded the higher weed control efficiency (WCE), weed control index (WCI) and crop resistance index (CRI).
V Santhosh, M Saravana Perumal, G Murugan. Influence of various weed management practices on weed dynamics of transplanted rice. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):476-478. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sg.1521