Trends in area, production, productivity and market prices of maize in Telangana state
M Maheshnath, R Vijaya Kumari, K Suhasini, D Srinivasa Reddy and A Meena
Maize is widely cultivated across India due to its adaptability to diverse geographical regions. Maize has diverse applications, serving as feed for poultry and livestock, as well as for food and industrial purposes. To analyze trends in maize cultivation within Telangana state over a 20-year period (2001-02 to 2020-21), various growth models were applied to the data on maize area, production, productivity, and market prices. The best model was chosen based on the highest R2 value. The cubic model provided the highest accuracy (0.53) compared to other models. This suggests a more complex growth pattern with multiple phases of growth and decline. The power model had the highest accuracy (0.41) for maize production, implying a moderate increase over time. The cubic model also best explained maize productivity trends with an accuracy of (0.59), indicating a more complex growth pattern. These findings suggest that maize cultivation in Telangana follows intricate growth patterns, possibly influenced by a combination of factors.
M Maheshnath, R Vijaya Kumari, K Suhasini, D Srinivasa Reddy, A Meena. Trends in area, production, productivity and market prices of maize in Telangana state. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):256-260. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sd.1484