Mulberry plant biomass as influenced by foliar spray of nanofertilizers
Saleemali Kannihalli, Narayanaswamy Jeevan and SG Rayar
A field experiment conducted during 2022-23 to study the impact of nanofertilizers on mulberry plant biomass revealed that the foliar application of nanofertilizers significantly enhanced certain growth and yield parameters of mulberry. Among the different doses of nanofertilizers, nano NPK (19:19:19) at 6 g/l emerged as the best treatment by recording longer shoot length (130.56 cm), higher number of leaves per plant (280.37), leaf yield (752.25 g/plant), shoot yield (551.34 g/plant) and total biomass (1303.59 g/plant).
Saleemali Kannihalli, Narayanaswamy Jeevan, SG Rayar. Mulberry plant biomass as influenced by foliar spray of nanofertilizers. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(9S):09-11. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i9Sa.1408