Response of broccoli yield attributes, yield and water productivity to drip irrigation and N-K fertigation levels during rabi
Nandikolla Venkata Neelima, Md Latheef Pasha, P Revathi and G Kiran Reddy
A field experiment was performed at Water Technology Centre, College Farm, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, Telangana during rabi 2023- 2024. The experiment had been designed in split plot design with nine treatments, consisting of three drip irrigation levels viz., 0.6 Epan (I1), 0.8 Epan (I2) and 1.0 Epan (I3) as main plots and three drip NK fertigation schedules of 75% recommended dose of NK (F1- N120 K75), 100% recommended dose of NK (F2- N160 K100) and 125% recommended dose of NK (F3- N200 K125) as sub plots. The experimental field soil was sandy loam soils with a pH of 7.9 and EC of 0.35 dS m-1. The experimental soil was low in organic carbon (0.22%) and available nitrogen (246.0 kg ha-1), while high in available phosphorous (76.38 kg ha-1) and potassium (427.3 kg ha-1). Seedlings of 21 days old were transplanted at 50/40 x 40cm in paired row method in the field. Yield attributes and curd yield were significantly higher in drip irrigation scheduled at 1.0 Epan (21.9 t ha-1) than 0.8 Epan (19.5 t ha-1) and 0.6 Epan (16.7 t ha-1). Water productivity showed higher in drip irrigation regime scheduled at 0.6 Epan (7.8 kg m-3) than 0.8 Epan (7.2 kg m-3) and 1.0 Epan (6.6 kg m-3).Yield attributes and yield were significantly higher in 125% recommended dose of NK (22.6 t ha-1) than 100% recommended dose of NK (18.4 t ha-1) and 75% recommended dose of NK (17.1 t ha-1). Water productivity was significantly higher with 125% recommended dose of NK than 100% recommended dose of NK and 75% recommended dose of NK at all the stages of crop.
Nandikolla Venkata Neelima, Md Latheef Pasha, P Revathi, G Kiran Reddy. Response of broccoli yield attributes, yield and water productivity to drip irrigation and N-K fertigation levels during rabi. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(8S):784-787. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8Sj.1384