Effect of biofertilizers and goat manure on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
R Sampath Kumar, Vikram Singh, Shruti George and Amit Kumar
A field experiment was conducted during Rabi at the Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). Entitled on “Effect of biofertilizers and goat manure on growth and yield of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)”, experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design and there were 10 treatments each being replicated thrice. To study treatments consisted of Biofertilizers viz. PSB 20 g/kg Seed, Rhizobium 20 g/kg Seed, Rhizobium 20 g/kg Seed + PSB 20 g/kg Seed and Goat manure viz. 3 t/ha, 5 t/ha, 7 t/ha. The results revealed that significant and higher in plant height (54.57cm), No. of Nodules/plant (10.51), plant dry weight (35.35 g), number of pods/plant (34.21), test weight (24.61 g), seed yield (1.94 kg/ha) and stover yield (4.07 kg/ha) were recorded in treatment-9 Rhizobium 20 g/kg Seed + PSB 20 g/kg Seed with Goat manure 7 t/ha compared to other treatments. Maximum in gross returns (1,57,217.00 INR/ha), net returns (107071.80 INR/ha) and B:C ratio (2.21) was also recorded in the same treatment – 9 [Rhizobium 20 g/kg Seed + PSB 20 g/kg Seed with Goat manure 7 t/ha].
R Sampath Kumar, Vikram Singh, Shruti George, Amit Kumar. Effect of biofertilizers and goat manure on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Int J Res Agron 2024;7(8S):537-540. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8Sg.1328