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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24, NAAS (2024): 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 8

Effect of foliar application of nutrients on growth and yield of chickpea

Tabasum Kadhri, Shikha Singh, Medha Shreya, Amit Kumar and SK Asraful Ali

A field experiment was carried out during Rabi season of 2023-24 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj. To study the “Effect of foliar application of nutrient on growth and yield of chickpea”. The soil of the experiment site was sandy loam in texture having 0.58% organic carbon, 219 kg/ha available nitrogen, 19.6 kg/ha available phosphorus and 239.2 kg/ha available potassium. Soil reaction was slightly alkaline (pH 7.50). The experiment was laid out (RBD) consisted of 12 treatments with three replication i.e. Water spray at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) (T1), Water spray at 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T2), Water spray at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T3), 2% Urea at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) (T4), 2% Urea at 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T5), 2% Urea at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T6), 1% KNO3 at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) (T7), 1% KNO3 at 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T8), 1% KNO3 at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T9), 0.5% Zinc at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) (T10), 0.5% Zinc at 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T11), 0.5% Zinc at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T12) . The results showed that growth and yield attributing characters' viz. plant height (70.4 cm), dry matter accumulation (163.60 g/m2), number of pods/plant (12.9), number of seeds/pod (1.47), seed index (18.3 g), straw yield (3.23 t/ha) and seed yield (2.42 t/ha) were significantly higher with foliar application of 2% Urea at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T6). Maximum gross return (INR 179090), net return (130514.6 INR/ ha), and BC (1:2.69), ratio was obtained highest in the treatment 2% Urea at 20 DAS (Vegetative stage) + 35 DAS (Pre-flowering stage) (T6).
1. To study the effect of nutrient spray on growth and yield of chickpea.
2. To work out the economics of different treatment combination in chickpea.
Pages : 495-499 | 244 Views | 174 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Tabasum Kadhri, Shikha Singh, Medha Shreya, Amit Kumar, SK Asraful Ali. Effect of foliar application of nutrients on growth and yield of chickpea. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(8S):495-499. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8Sg.1308
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