NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 8

Enhancing kharif pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) growth and yield through integrated approaches: A comprehensive field study on animal dung composts, cow-based bio-enhancers and fertilizer management in loamy sand

DM Patel, JR Jat, OP Meena, KJ Chauhan, KA Kachhiyapatel, LJ Desai, KK Patel and RM Patel

Field experiment conducted during the June to November 2021 and 2022. Throughout both years, the trials were carried out at the same location. Results obtained indicated that among the different composts made from different animal dung, goat dung compost at a rate of 100 quintal/ha was found to be superior in the case of pearlmillet height, effective pearlmillet tillers, earhead length, pearlmillets’ seed and straw yield. Cow-based bio-enhancers, particularly Panchagavya, enhanced pearlmillet height, effective pearlmillet tillers, length of earhead and seed yield and straw yield compared to cow urine and Jivamrut. Fertilizer significantly affected plant height, effective tillers and earhead length, with the recommended dose of fertilizer outperforming 75%. Interaction effect revealed synergies between goat dung compost, Panchagavya and 100% fertilizer dose, superior plant height, earhead length and seed yield. The study highlights the potential for integrated approaches involving specific compost, cow-based bio-enhancers and fertilizer levels to optimize pearlmillet growth and yield.
Pages : 349-359 | 178 Views | 76 Downloads
How to cite this article:
DM Patel, JR Jat, OP Meena, KJ Chauhan, KA Kachhiyapatel, LJ Desai, KK Patel, RM Patel. Enhancing kharif pearlmillet (Pennisetum glaucum) growth and yield through integrated approaches: A comprehensive field study on animal dung composts, cow-based bio-enhancers and fertilizer management in loamy sand. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(8S):349-359. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8Se.1268
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