NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 8

Study on cost of cultivation and economic returns from red gram BDN 711 crop in Marathwada central region of Maharashtra

SS Holmukhe, Dr. RP Kadam and Dr. RV Chavan

An investigation was done to work out the cost of production, cost of cultivation, returns and profitability from BDN 711 Red gram crop in order to identify the variety is more profitable and economic for the farmers of Marathwada region from Maharashtra. On an average, the cost of production was 6027.61per quintal and the net return per hectare after subtracting the total cost (Cost C3) from the gross return was ` 193945.17 per hectare. Whereas, due to cultivation of BDN 711 the farmers got more production upto 7.82 percent which comprises that increased the benefit in Rs. 726.57 per quintal approximately for every year. The observations indicated that per quintal cost of production for pigeon pea BDN 711 crop was less than cotton, soybean and maize crops, on the other hand per hectare net return was the highest for pigeon pea BDN 711 when compared to other pigeon pea variety crop for draught resistant areas. All the major crops viz., Cotton, Soybean, Maize, Wheat and Pigeon pea were profitable for the farmers, but Pigeon pea BDN 711 was the most profitable crop when compared to the rest, because the per quintal cost of production as well as the per hectare return were more economic than Soybean and cotton crops.
  • Wheat emerged as the main food grain crop with its percentage share of 12.50% in the gross cropped area.
  • The main produce quintal production was before 12.41 qtl / ha. and increased after cultivation of BDN 711 upto 20.24 qtl / ha., i.e. 7.82 percent increased. Also the by produce before cultivation of BDN 711, i.e Rs.14675.09 i.e. 17.51 Percent change after cultivation upto and Rs. 24958.01 per/qtl i.e. 20.46 i.e 2.95 percent has been increased in rupees per quintal.
  • Pigeon pea was found to be the most profitable crop after cultivation of BDN 711 with the net return of ` 71959.98/ha, which was lesser before cultivation of this variety was earned ‘23934.38/- and increased 30.44% more of profit earned from BDN 711 crop.
  • Per hectare cost of cultivation was found to be the highest for the large farms and the per hectare net return also seemed to be the highest for the large farms.
Pages : 185-189 | 365 Views | 219 Downloads
How to cite this article:
SS Holmukhe, Dr. RP Kadam, Dr. RV Chavan. Study on cost of cultivation and economic returns from red gram BDN 711 crop in Marathwada central region of Maharashtra. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(8S):185-189. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i8Sc.1252
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