Genetic divergence studies in vegetable Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp. L.) genotypes
Manjunathagowda MG, Ramakrishna V Hegde, Hiremath SM and Motagi BN
The study on estimation of genetic divergence in vegetable Amaranthus (Amaranthusspp. L.) genotypes was carried out during 2022-23 at Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. In the present investigation forty-one genotypes including two checks were studied. Genetic divergence studies revealed clustering of germplasm into six clusters, irrespective of their origin. Many genotypes based on cluster means & genetic diversity were identified as potential parents. Among six clusters, cluster IV and V had the highest inter cluster distance (14.52) between genotypes, followed by cluster III and V (14.02) and cluster II and V (13.25). Whereas, cluster III and VI (6.11) had the lowest inter-cluster distance. Cluster III and VI consisted of genotypes which are having common characters such as early flowering, highly branching and small sized leaves. Genotypes with dwarf growth habit and high leaf: stem ratio were grouped in cluster IV. Whereas, cluster I and II consisted of majorly local and released genotypes having the characters of straight growing and less branching and genotype with quick growing and good leaf characters was grouped under cluster V.