Constraints in adoption of improved cultivation practices in Greengram and Black Gram
Bharath T, Rukmini Devi K, Nagaswathi K, Jhansi Rani P and Uma Reddy R
The present investigation was carried out in Khammam district of Telangana. Samples of 60 respondents spread over 24 villages of 12 mandals were selected for the survey. The present studies revealed that majority of respondents were found to have medium level adoption of improved cultivation practices in black gram and greengram. The study indicates that farmers had high adoption level of practices viz., soils, variety, seed treatment and medium adoption practices viz., spacing, nutrient management, seed rate, pest management, disease management and low adoption practices viz., the irrigation management and sowing time, weed management, use of bio fertilizers and foliar nutrition intercropping and improved varieties. So there is need to adopt recommended package of practices for increasing of productivity. The black gram and greengram growers perceived constraints during cultivation of greengram and blackgram production technology in cotton and paddy fallow conditions, weed management, bio fertilizer and foliar nutrition, intercropping and cropping system, untimely heavy rains, sucking pest infestation, YMV incidence, lack of marketing facilities and Post-harvest technology, non-availability of improved seed, lack of technical advice for crop cultivation, absence of regulated market and non-availability of fertilizers, etc.. The constraints expressed for non-adoption of recommended package of practices should be taken care by the researchers and state agricultural departments, to orient their infrastructure for higher adoption of recommended practices by black gram and greengram growers to increase their production.
Bharath T, Rukmini Devi K, Nagaswathi K, Jhansi Rani P, Uma Reddy R. Constraints in adoption of improved cultivation practices in Greengram and Black Gram. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(7S):240-243. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i7Sd.1032