The research work was conducted at the Agronomy Research Field, United University, Prayagraj (U.P.) during Kharif season from June to December, 2023 to study the effect of spacing and nitrogen level on the growth and yield of Kalanamak rice. The experiment consisted of three spacing treatments viz. 25 x 25 cm, 20 x 20 cm and 15 x 15 cm and three nitrogen levels viz. 80 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha and 120 kg/ha. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The highest plant height (102.43 cm), Number of tiller/hill (25.47), Plant dry weight (76.83 g/plant), Yield attributes, No. of panicle/hill (21.27), panicle length (24.01 cm), No. of grain/panicle (377.53), No. of productive tillers/hill (22.83) and Test weight (16.40 g) was recorded in treatment T3 (Spacing 25 x 25 cm + Nitrogen 120 kg/ha) while highest Seed yield (4.49 t/ha), Straw yield (15.44 t/ha), Biological yield (19.92 t/ha) was recorded in treatment T9 (Spacing 15 x 15 cm + Nitrogen 120 kg/ha) of kalanamak rice. The highest economics was computed under treatment T9 (spacing 15 x 15cm with 120 kg N/ha) i.e. net return (122141.00 Rs/ha), gross return (157755.00 Rs/ha), highest cost of cultivation (35614.00 Rs/ha) and(B:C ratio) (3.43). The lowest plant height (83.06 cm), Number of tiller/hill (17.17), Plant dry weight (56.83 g/plant), Yield attributes, No. of panicle/hill (15.11), panicle length (17.99 cm), No. of grain/panicle (330.73), No. of productive tillers/hill (15.37), Test weight (13.20 g), Seed yield (2.76 t/ha), Straw yield (9.97 t/ha), Biological yield (12.74 t/ha), of kalanamak rice. The lowest net return was computed under T10 (Control) and net return (64515.00 Rs/ha), gross return (97860.00 Rs/ha), lowest cost of cultivation (33345.00 Rs/ha) recorded in T10 (B:C ratio) (1.93) Therefore, T9 (spacing 15 x 15 cm with 120 kg N/ha) obtaining the highest grain and straw yields of Kalanamak rice.
Vivek Singh, Lalit Kumar Sanodiya, Deepshikha, Ashish Kumar, Vinay Singh, Anuj Kushwaha. Influence of spacing and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Kalanamak variety. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(6S):225-230. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i6Sd.879