NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 5

Socio economics characteristics of organic turmeric growing Farmers in Hingoli District of Marathwada Region of Maharashtra State

Dr. PK Rathod, Dr. RF Thombre, Dr. GA Bhalerao, Dr. VN Shinde and MP Jogdand

The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the socio economic characteristics of turmeric growers in Marathwada Region of Maharashtra. The study was administered by selecting a sample of 50 respondents from 10 villages. Multi stage sampling design was adopted for selection of districts, tahsils, villages and turmeric growers. The fifty farmers who were using organic fertilizers for their fields were listed with the help of Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), State Agriculture Department, Vasmat under Hingoli District who were connected in different organic farming groups of different villages with (ATMA) Vasmat. Relevant data on various aspects of socio economic status were illuminated using a pretested structured schedule and through personal interview method. Results revealed that the 96 per cent grower were the male and female farmers were only 4 percent, average age factor of organic turmeric grower farmers of Vasmat tahsil is 43.20 years. Education is another important factor influencing managerial and technical ability of any business. Only 4 per cent of farmers illiterate, 16 per cent has completed primary education, 24 per cent farmers completed secondary education, 44 per cent of farmers were completed higher secondary education and 12 per cent farmers were graduate. About 92 per cent of rural people were employed in agricultural as primary source of their livelihood. The average annual income Rs. 14,80,000 there was great impact of organic turmeric adoption on their income due to the high market price to their commodity and the more demand in market to organic produced.
Pages : 280-283 | 508 Views | 321 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. PK Rathod, Dr. RF Thombre, Dr. GA Bhalerao, Dr. VN Shinde, MP Jogdand. Socio economics characteristics of organic turmeric growing Farmers in Hingoli District of Marathwada Region of Maharashtra State. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(5S):280-283. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i5Sd.835
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