Studies on the adoption of mushroom production as women empowerment for lively hood and income generation under tribal of district Purnea, Bihar
Sangita Mehta, KM Singh and Govind Kumar
The study explores the adoption of Mushroom production as strategy for women empowerment, focusing on the impact on livelihood & income generation. Mushroom with their rapid growth cycle and high market value present a viable agricultural enterprise for women in rural and undeserved communities. Present research investigates various dimension on this adaptation including socio-economic benefits, skill development and change in gender dynamics within household. By analyzing case studies and imperical data from multiple respondent, the study reveals the mushroom farming enhance the women’s economics, dependence, provides flexible employment opportunities and faster entrepreneurial skills. Furthermore it highlights the role of supportive policies and training programmes in facilitating successful adoption and sustaining growth. The finding underscore mushroom production is a promising intervention for improving women livelihood and promoting gender equality in agricultural development.
Sangita Mehta, KM Singh, Govind Kumar. Studies on the adoption of mushroom production as women empowerment for lively hood and income generation under tribal of district Purnea, Bihar. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(4S):330-332. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i4Sd.1237