Genetic studies in Neolamarckia cadamba (Kadam) tree species
PS Devanand, R Vijayan, B Sivakumar, K Sivakumar, N Raja, K Hemaprabha, KB Sujatha, K Nelson Navamani Raj, S Utharasu, P Kumar, R Revathi and KT Parthiban
Neolamarckia cadamba (Kadam) large straight tree, deciduous evergreen or semi-evergreen. The Kadambais one of the important medicinal plants belonging to the Rubiaceae family. Studies were carried out in Neolamarckia cadamba to draw out information on the variability and heritability studies. In order to carry out populations study in Kadam, a population of 30 sources was surveyed and variation present within a population was estimated Morphological traits taken for the study were height, girth at breast height, basal diameter, clear bole length and volume. The variability registered highest phenotypic coefficient of variance (PCV) (45.32) and genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) (28.86) followed by clear bole length (PCV 28.65 (GCV 19.09), tree girth PCV20 51) (GCV 15.39), basal diameter (PCV 19.32) (GCV 15/71), tree height (PCV 15.93) (GCV 724) to find out amount of variation in the population The above results can be utilized for selection of wood volume. Heritability was recorded by bole height and low heritability by tree height while volume registered moderate heritability. The trend of genetic advance as percent of mean was maximum in volume (36.73) followed by clear bole height (35 11), basal diameter (26.33), tree girth (23.78), tree height 6.79) indicating a wide scope of genetic improvement in the species. In a holistic perspective, findings shows exists a wide value of variation in Kadam genotypes which could play a significant and vital role in enhancing productivity This study also laid foundation in order to tree improvement studies in future.
PS Devanand, R Vijayan, B Sivakumar, K Sivakumar, N Raja, K Hemaprabha, KB Sujatha, K Nelson Navamani Raj, S Utharasu, P Kumar, R Revathi, KT Parthiban. Genetic studies in Neolamarckia cadamba (Kadam) tree species. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(3S):171-175. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i3Sc.427