Status of agri-clinics and agri business centres (ACABC) scheme in promoting agripreneurship
Gagana MD, VR Kiresur, Balachandra K Naik, Santhosha KM and CG Yadava
Agri-clinics and agri business centres (ACABC) scheme was introduced to strengthen the transfer of technology and extension services and also to provide self-employment opportunities to technically trained persons. The study was based on secondary data. The data collected were analysed using Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) to examine the status of ACABC scheme. From the results of the study, it can be found that under the ACABC scheme, 82,673 candidates were trained and 35,716 agriventures were established in India. Among them, 4,381 trained candidates and 1,746 established agriventures were from Karnataka. This indicates that Karnataka’s per cent share was 5.30 per cent for the number of trained candidates and 4.89 per cent for the number of ventures established. Hence, from the study it can be observed that Government programmes were significantly impacting the increase of agripreneurship at all India level, but in Karnataka they were found to be less effective. So, there is a need for nodal training institutes in Karnataka to take some measures in order to increase the share of Karnataka in agripreneurship.
Gagana MD, VR Kiresur, Balachandra K Naik, Santhosha KM, CG Yadava. Status of agri-clinics and agri business centres (ACABC) scheme in promoting agripreneurship. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(3S):28-33. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i3Sa.374