NAAS Journal

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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Special Issue 2

Soil fertility mapping of soil nutrients in areas adopting rice wheat cropping system in Karnal, Haryana

Manisha Arya, Kiran K Khokhar, Ankur Chaudhary, Pankaj Singroha and Ajay Baljot

Use of high analysis fertilizers of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) along with lower levels of potassium (K), meagre use of organic sources of plant nutrients, improper management of crop residues and adoption of more exhaustive rice wheat cropping system have resulted in increased deficiency of macronutrients in the soils of Haryana including Karnal district. In order to have systematic information on the spatial variation of soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC) and macronutrients in the areas adopting rice wheat cropping system in district Karnal of Haryana, soil fertility maps were prepared using modern technologies viz. GPS and GIS. For this purpose 230 surface soil samples were randomly collected from all the five blocks of Karnal using GPS and analyzed at Regional Soil Testing Laboratory, KVK, Karnal during 2021-22. The results revealed that the pH of the soils of all the blocks of Karnal were neutral to alkaline in reaction ranging from 6.7-8.9. Electrical conductivity of majority of the soil samples was non-saline which ranged between 0.09 -1.34 dSm-1. The OC content in soils of different blocks of Karnal viz. Assandh, Indri, Nilokheri, Karnal and Gharaunda ranged from 0.07-1.12, 0.07-1.03, 0.12-1.12, 0.11-0.82 and 0.10-0.79%. The OC content of majority of soil samples i.e. 72, 45, 56 and 84% was in medium range (0.40%-0.75%) in Assandh, Indri, Karnal and Gharaunda block, respectively. The available N content of all the soil samples of the district were found in deficient range. 94% samples in Assandh block, 78% of samples in Indri block, 74% of samples in Nilokheri block, 58% of samples in Karnal block and 76% in Gharaunda block were having high soil phosphorus content. Six% soil samples in Assandh, 21% in Indri, 23% in Nilokheri, 39% in Karnal and 24% in Gharaunda block were found to have medium P content in their soils. The soils of all blocks of Karnal district had K in medium range i.e. 46% in Assandh, 79% in Indri, 77% in Nilokheri, 69% in Karnal and 65% in Gharaunda block. The S content of all blocks of Karnal district fall under the medium category i.e. 77, 89, 84 and 87% in Assandh, Indri, Nilokheri and Gharaunda blocks, respectively. Such information regarding soil fertility status and soil fertility maps can be very useful for generating decision making support system for fertilizer scheduling of crops in a particular area.
Pages : 102-113 | 621 Views | 330 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Manisha Arya, Kiran K Khokhar, Ankur Chaudhary, Pankaj Singroha, Ajay Baljot. Soil fertility mapping of soil nutrients in areas adopting rice wheat cropping system in Karnal, Haryana. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(2S):102-113. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i2Sb.341
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