Effect of various doses of nitrogen based on organic fertilizer enriched with Leucaena leucocephala leaves on the growth and yield of three rice varieties
DW Widjajanto, Sumarsono and Sutarno
The field experiment was conducted from December 2021 to April 2022 at the organic rice field plantation belong to the organic farmers group “Al-Barokhah” located at Ketapang Village, Susukan sub-district, Semarang district (7o26’56” S and 110o33’58” E) Central Java Province, Indonesia. Meanwhile, laboratory analysis was carried out at the Ecology and Plant Production Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia (6o50'-7o10' S and 109o35'-110o50’ E). The experiment was aimed to evaluate the application of organic fertilizer enriched with Leucaena leucocephalaleaves on the growth and yield of three varieties of rice. Factorial experiment with a completely randomized design were used throughout the experiment. The first factor consisted of 3 different levels Nitrogen based organic fertilizer (OF) as D0: no added-fertilizer; D1: 188 kg N/ha, D2: 376 kg N/ha and D3: 564 kg N/ha, respectively, equivalent to 10, 20 and 30 tonnes OF/ha. The second factor was different varieties of rice V1: white rice cv. Cisokan, V2: black rice cv. Arang, and V3: red rice cv. Mawar. The results showed that there was differences in morphological appearance and rice yields occur among the three varieties included cv. Cisokan, cv. Arang and cv. Mawar on the parameters observed included plant height, number of tillers, number of panicles and yield of rice. On the basis of the results, it may be concluded that the genetic characteristics of the three varieties were dominant in determining the performance of the three varieties. However, increasing the dose of Nitrogen based on L. leucocephala-enriched organic fertilizer significantly increased rice yields. Further research needs to be carried out taking into account the increase in the number of L. leucocephala used to enrich organic fertilizer and the dose of Nitrogen so that the right dose may be found to support the performance of rice both superior and local varieties of rice.
DW Widjajanto, Sumarsono, Sutarno. Effect of various doses of nitrogen based on organic fertilizer enriched with Leucaena leucocephala leaves on the growth and yield of three rice varieties. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(4):500-505. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i4g.597