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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS (2024): 5.20

2024, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Part B

Effect of nutrient sources and organic liquids on growth attributes, yield and economics of production of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.)

Anushka P Sonawane, Renuka H Shinde, Yogesh G Ban and Tulshidas S Kadam

The investigation aims to explore how different organic and inorganic sources impacts the growth attributes and economics of the production of finger millet. This experiment was conducted during kharif 2022 at research farm, Agronomy section, RCSM College of Agriculture, Kolhapur. The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design comprising thirteen treatments replicated three times. Among the various doses of fertilizer along with various organic nutrient inputs treatment T6: 100% RDF+ Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1+ 10% Jeevamrut recorded highest values such as plant height at harvest was recorded (97.8 cm), dry matter accumulation plant-1 (78.8 g), number of tillers (3.04 tillers plant-1). Application of T6: 100% RDF+ Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1+ 10% Jeevamrut recorded the highest grain yield (22.8 q ha-1) and straw yield (30.4 q ha-1). As per the economic studies treatment T6: 100% RDF+ Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1+ 10% Jeevamrut, have recorded maximum cost of cultivation (67869 Rs.ha-1), gross monetary returns (90044 Rs.ha-1), and net returns (22175 Rs.ha-1). Nevertheless treatment 100% RDF +5% Panchagavya recorded maximum benefit cost ratio. From this investigation it was concluded that application of T6: 100% RDF+ Vermicompost @ 2.5 t ha-1+ 10% Jeevamrut found to derive maximum gross returns as well as highest growth attributes.
Pages : 93-96 | 440 Views | 234 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Agronomy
How to cite this article:
Anushka P Sonawane, Renuka H Shinde, Yogesh G Ban, Tulshidas S Kadam. Effect of nutrient sources and organic liquids on growth attributes, yield and economics of production of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.). Int J Res Agron 2024;7(2):93-96. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i2b.291
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