Effect of herbicides on different weed species in wheat-chickpea intercropping system
Vishal Guleria, Dr. Gurpreet Singh and Dr. Sandeep Menon
In the 2020–2021 Rabi season, a field experiment was carried out at the Lovely Professional University's School of Agriculture in Phagwara, Punjab. The eight treatments in the field experiment were: Isoproturon 1000 g/ha (PoE), Pendimethalin 1000 ml/ha (PE), Pinoxaden 50 g/ha (PoE), Cladinofop-propargyl 60 g/ha (PoE), Hand weeding at 60 DAS, Metribuzin 250 g/ha (PE), Weedy Check, and Weed free check. The experiment was set up using a Randomized Block Design (RBD). A 2:1 intercropping ratio was used when sowing wheat and chickpeas, with a 30-cm row-to-row spacing. Several weed species, including Phalaris minor, Chenopodium album, Rumex acetosella, Medicago denticulate, Melilotus indica, Anagallis arvensis, and Coronopus didymus, were infested in the experimental field. The study findings indicate that pendimethalin 1000 ml/ha (PE) was the herbicide that most effectively reduced the amount of weeds (59.2 no. /m2) and their dry matter (9.2 g/m2). With the exception of Medicago denticulate, all the weeds were effectively controlled by it. With pendimethalin 1000 ml/ha (PE), the highest weed control efficiency and lowest weed index were also recorded.
Vishal Guleria, Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Dr. Sandeep Menon. Effect of herbicides on different weed species in wheat-chickpea intercropping system. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(2):16-18. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i2a.273