Foliar application of humic acid with varied nutrient levels on the performance of sweet corn
Kiran Haranal, M Hanumanthappa, NS Mavarkar, Sarvajna B Salimath and Sadashiv Nadukeri
A field experiment was conducted at AHRS Kathalagere, KSNUAHS, Shivamogga, to study the effect of foliar application of humic acid with varied nutrient levels on the performance of sweet corn during the summer season of 2021. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with eight treatments replicated thrice. The results revealed that significantly higher total dry matter accumulation (218.59 g plant-1) at harvest, furthermore cob length (21.42 cm), cob girth (15.77 cm), fresh cob yield (198.18 q ha-1) and green fodder yield (263.80 q ha-1), total uptake of NPK (198.51, 48.94, 169.16 kg ha-1, respectively), gross returns (Rs. 284,009 ha-1), net returns (Rs. 197,328 ha-1) and B: C ratio (3.28) were recorded with the application of 125 per cent RDF + humic acid at 0.2 per cent foliar spray as compared to recommended dose of fertilizers applied treatment. It can be concluded that foliar application of humic acid can be supplemented to agriculture to enhance crop productivity.
Kiran Haranal, M Hanumanthappa, NS Mavarkar, Sarvajna B Salimath, Sadashiv Nadukeri. Foliar application of humic acid with varied nutrient levels on the performance of sweet corn. Int J Res Agron 2023;6(1):18-21. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2023.v6.i1a.157