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P-ISSN: 2618-060X, E-ISSN: 2618-0618   |   NAAS: 5.20

2021, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part A

Effects of planting methods on yield attributes and yield of paddy (Oryza sativa L.)

Jadhav KK, Kashid NV, Avte SB and Halge SS

An experiment entitled, “Effects of planting methods on growth and yield of paddy (Oryza sativa L.)” was carried out during Kharif, 2020 at Agricultural Research Station Farm, VadgaonMaval, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune to investigate effects of planting methods on yield attributes and yield of paddy (Oryza sativa L.). The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. There were eight treatments comprising of different sowing methods of rice viz., T1-Sowing as direct seeded rice (DSR) at 22.5 cm by bullock drawn seed drill, T2-Sowing as direct seeded rice (DSR) at 30 cm by bullock drawn seed drill, T3-Sowing by dibbling method at 20 x 15 cm2, T4-Direct sowing of rice by tractor operated mechanical seed drill, T5-Direct sowing of rice by ‘Saguna Rice Technique’(SRT), T6-Direct sowing of rice by ‘Modified Direct Seeded Rice Technique’(MDSRT), T7-University recommended method (Four Point Agro-Technology or Char Sutri Method) and T8-Farmer’s practice-Conventional transplanting method. The periodical observations on yield contributing characters and yield were recorded to assess the treatment effects. Results revealed that planting methods had significant effects on yield attributes and yield of paddy. The yield attributing characters viz., length of spike (cm), number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike (g) and thousand grain weight (g) were found higher with T6-Direct sowing of rice by ‘Modified Direct Seeded Rice Technique’ (MDSRT) than other planting methods. The corresponding values were 26.3 cm, 8.3, 161.4, 3.12 g and 23.0 g respectively. The grain yield (63.74 q ha-1) and straw yield (68.88 q ha-1) were significantly superior in the treatment T6-Direct sowing of rice by ‘Modified Direct Seeded Rice Technique’ (MDSRT) (63.74 q ha-1) than rest of the sowing methods except it was at par with the treatment T7-University recommended method (Four Point Agro-technology) having grain yield (55.60 q ha-1) and straw yield of paddy (60.10 q ha-1) respectively.
Pages : 186-189 | 1022 Views | 509 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Agronomy
How to cite this article:
Jadhav KK, Kashid NV, Avte SB, Halge SS. Effects of planting methods on yield attributes and yield of paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Int J Res Agron 2021;4(2):186-189. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2021.v4.i2a.158
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