Controlled release action of chitosan nanoparticles to improve nutrient use efficiency
Somdutt, Himangini Joshi, K.S. Rajawat and J Choudhary
Chitosan is an effective organic molecule that improve productivity by supplying valuable nutrients to plant and due to site specific action of this nanoparticle it also enhance activity of protective enzymes that enables for biotic and abiotic stress resistance in plants. It acts as a carrier of major and micro nutrients, pesticide, herbicide and increase crop yield in a sustainable manner.
Somdutt, Himangini Joshi, K.S. Rajawat, J Choudhary. Controlled release action of chitosan nanoparticles to improve nutrient use efficiency. Int J Res Agron 2020;3(1):36-41. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2020.v3.i1a.29