Influence of sorghum + soybean intercropping on sorghum productivity
GL Kadam, NE Jayewar and SS Kshirsagar
The experiment was carried out during the Kharif season at Sorghum Research Station, Parbhnai. The said experiment was laid out in Randomized Block design with intercropping of sorghum + soybean crop with different row ratio viz. 2:1, 3:3, 4:2 and 6:3 of sorghum and soybean with objective to find out correct or suitable row ratio of sorhum + soybean intercropping system. Sorghum yield in sole treatment produced less yield and returns compared to the intercropping system. Highest soybean yield was recorded in 3:3 row ratio and sorhgum equivalent yield was in 6:3 row which is overall best performed row ratio.
GL Kadam, NE Jayewar, SS Kshirsagar. Influence of sorghum + soybean intercropping on sorghum productivity. Int J Res Agron 2019;2(1):10-11. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2019.v2.i1a.11