Study on growth and yield production of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under alkaline soil condition
Sayed Muhammad Baqer Husaini and Hironobu Shiwachi
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) growth was evaluated under alkaline soil condition (pH 8.0). 15 varieties at primary growth stage and 4 varieties on sowing to maturity stage tested at Tokyo University of Agriculture (TUA), Tokyo, Japan in 2012, and 2013, respectively. The study was aimed to develop selection method on tolerant varieties of common bean under alkaline soil condition. The leaf area, SPAD value and nutrients uptake at primary growth stage was affected by alkaline soil condition, but the influence was varied by varieties. The identical tolerant varieties at primary growth stage were tested at harvest (maturity stage) which was included control plant. The variety of Jabino was evaluated tolerant variety on alkaline soil condition. The result was suggested that selection of tolerant variety on alkaline soil condition, most of varieties possible to evaluate at primary growth stage.
Sayed Muhammad Baqer Husaini, Hironobu Shiwachi. Study on growth and yield production of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) under alkaline soil condition. Int J Res Agron 2018;1(2):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2018.v1.i2a.51